
노아의 방주와 웰시코기 고니 Noah's Ark and Welsh Corgi

welsh-corgi-daily-life 2024. 1. 26. 17:26

노아의 방주 이야기는 성경의 창세기 6장에서 나오는 이야기로, 신이 지구에 살고 있는 모든 생명을 파멸시키겠다는 판단 아래에서 믿음을 갖고 살던 노아에게 하나님이 방주를 만들라고 지시한 것에서 시작됩니다. 노아는 지시에 따라 방주를 만들고 가족과 정해진 동물들을 함께 태워 비의 어느 날에 방주에 들어가게 됩니다. 비가 40일 40박 내리면서 모든 생명이 물에 잠기고, 방주 안의 생존자들만이 살아남게 됩니다. 비가 그치고 노아와 그의 가족, 그리고 동물들은 방주에서 나와 새로운 시작을 맞이하게 되는 것이 이야기의 핵심입니다.


The story of Noah's Ark is from Genesis 6 in the Bible.  It begins with God deciding to destroy all life on Earth due to widespread corruption. In response to God's instruction, Noah, a righteous man, is directed to build an ark.  Noah follows the instructions and gathers his family and pairs of animals to board the ark.  Once inside, they endure 40 days and nights of rain, during which the floodwaters cover the Earth.  After the rain stops, Noah, his family, and the animals disembark, symbolizing a new beginning after God's judgment. 

노아의 방주와 웰시코기 고니
