
열기구를 타고 전 세계를 여행하는 웰시코기 고니 Welsh corgi riding a hot air balloon

welsh-corgi-daily-life 2024. 1. 22. 16:57

Welsh corgi travels around the world in a hot air balloon.

열기구는 공기보다 가벼운 항공기로, 부력의 원리를 활용하여 상승하는데 의존합니다. 일반적으로 내열성 나일론이나 기타 내열 소재로 만든 큰 에어백으로 구성되어 있으며, 이것은 뜨거운 공기로 채워집니다. 에어백 내의 공기는 프로판 버너에 의해 가열되어 기구를 띄우게 합니다. 바스켓 또는 곤돌라는 에어백 아래에 매달려 있으며, 이곳에는 탑승객과 프로판 연료 탱크가 들어 있습니다.

열기구는 여가와 레저 활동을 위해 널리 사용되며, 비행을 경험하기 위한 고요하고 경치 좋은 방법을 제공합니다. 이들은 뜨거운 공기가 차가운 공기보다 밀도가 낮다는 원리에 기초하며, 이로 인해 부력이 발생하여 기구가 뜨게 됩니다. 비행사는 버너의 강도를 조절하여 고도를 제어합니다.

열기구는 속도나 정확한 항행에는 적합하지 않지만 독특하고 온화한 비행 경험을 제공하여 풍경의 패노라마를 즐길 수 있게 합니다. 열기구 비행은 종종 행사나 축제와 연관되어 있어 독특하고 기억에 남는 비행 수단으로 알려져 있습니다.


A hot air balloon is a lighter-than-air aircraft that relies on the principle of buoyancy to ascend. It consists of a large envelope, typically made of nylon or other heat-resistant materials, which is filled with hot air. The air inside the envelope is heated by a propane burner, c ausing the balloon to rise. The basket or gondola is suspended beneath the envelope and carries passengers and a propane fuel tank.

Hot air balloons are popular for recreational and leisure activities, offering a serene and scenic way to experience flight. They operate on the basis that hot air is less dense than cold air,  creating a buoyant force that lifts the balloon.  The pilot controls the altitude by adjusting the intensity of the burner.

While hot air balloons are not known for speed or precision navigation, they provide a unique and gentle flying experience,  allowing passengers to enjoy panoramic views of landscapes. Hot air ballooning is often associated with festivals and events, making it a distinctive and memorable form of aviation.

